Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Guest Author Blog - Introducing Deborah Rae Cota - Author of The Dante Chronicles

Deborah Rae Cota - Guest Author Blog

The Dante Chronicles


Deborah Rae Cota

Book 1 - The Kindred
Book 2 - The Brotherhood
Book 3 - The Traveler


1.     So tell me, what is the one thing, you have to do or be perfect before you can even sit down to write? 

The only things I need are my blue BIC Crystal pen and a composition notebook. I'm the type that can write anywhere, and usually do. If I get caught without my pad and pen, I always use my phone or iPod and record the idea for later.

2.     When you are in the house alone and on-one is watching . . . what is the one naughty treat, you would reach for? 

ACK! Okay...you win! Sour Gummi Worms.

3.     Where is your favourite place to read? 

My sister and I recently bought a new home, and it has a great deck with a view of the city and on a clear day you can see the Bay Bridge. It's a great place to grab a cup of coffee, relax and read.

4.     Tell me one funny little trait you have, no matter how small or silly you feel it is? 

I talk to the television. If it's an old favourite movie, I recite the lines. If its something new, I talk to the characters and tell them off if they do something stupid. Of course, my mouth is usually full of Gummi worms.

5.     What were you, before you became an author, and do you still do that too?

I am a retired photographer, and currently by day, an accountant. Both of which come in mighty handy in my writing.

6.     What interesting or unusual hobbies do you have or like? 

Still take lots of pictures, but more often than not, I am cooking. Love to cook, and experiment with different types of cooking and foods.

7.     What would be your favourite meal? 

Any one of them, as long as I can eat breakfast foods. Absolute favourite!

8.     We all have our own party piece of music, whether it’s only sang at home or when out partying . . . what is yours? 

"Layla" by Derek and the Dominoes.

9.     What music do you have on, in the car? 

Very wide variety. I like everything from Adele to Rachmaninov's "Vocalise"...it always varies. I put everything on my iPod and press shuffle. Sometimes it goes from Metallica to Perry Como, or Sam Cooke to Queen. There is very little I don't like.

10. When you are working, what music do you like listening to?

I am very influenced by music, so it depends on what I am writing. I'm one of those geeky types that makes mix's, so I make sure to play the mix I have made for the book I am currently working on.   

11. And finally when you were younger, what did you imagine you’d be doing for a job when you grew up . . . truth please? 

I wanted to be on Broadway or a rockstar. Actually majored in music in college, and studied theater arts since I was 12. There is still a little bit of the stage hog in me now, but it helps with the book promotions and personal appearances.

Thank you Deborah, it was fun getting to see an siders view of you.  Good luck with all your books and can't wait to see whats coming next.

Maxi xxx

The Dante Chronicles


Deborah Rae Cota

Book 1 - The Kindred
Book 2 - The Brotherhood
Book 3 - The Traveler


Book 1 - The Kindred

          When The Dante's learn through a vision of the horrifying evil plot threatening them, they form a plan to end it; but a heartbreaking yet vitally necessary family sacrifice is the only solution in order to protect The Sentry: Eli Dante, Bill and Helen's only child. But the plan is fraught with variables that change the course of the Dante's lives. Once again they must act quickly, because a very deadly, primal evil has surfaced at the hands of their would-be assassin, who's desire for domination over The Dominion, and the human world are over-shadowed only by a blood-thirsty vengeance of another unseen foe. The crisis falls to The Sentry, whose appointment requires the realization of The Kindred - a group of unlikely heroes, each with their own special powers, and a plan to foil the evil plot, and reunite the family once and for all.


Book 2 - The Brotherhood

          It's the phrase that still haunts the Dante family and The Kindred. Even as the new King of The Dominion is crowned, events are taking place that they once believed behind them. But as Eli and the Kindred move forward something, or someone, forces them to look back and battle demons of a more personal nature and answer a question only one dares to ask…"What if 'time' is a person?"


Book 3 - The Traveler

          Every team needs a leader...and now that the team is formed, and ready, missions should go exactly as planned. Right? But what if the leader isn't the one calling the shots?
          An old nemesis has some new players he is toying with, and creating total chaos for the team.  With the help of former members of The Brotherhood, the team will learn a tough lesson that will ultimately strengthen them, but at what cost?


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for including me in your website, Maxi! Cheerz!
