Monday, 20 May 2013

Guest Author Blog ~ Introducing me!

Maxi Shelton ~ Guest Author Blog

Introducing & Understanding me? 

The first of many blogs to come . . . but lets start with me, after all, if I'm going to inflict these questions on others, I should at least answer them myself first. 

Why these questions you wonder after reading the blog?  

Well, I wanted my guest blogs to be a bit different, and not the same old questions, we all see time after time.  Also I feel from these 11 questions, I now personally understand and know, a lot more about that author in question as a human, not just the mystery person behind the words.  And lets face it, fun and silly questions are a lot more enjoyable to read.  *wink*   


1. So tell me, what is the one thing, you have to do or be perfect before you can even sit down to write?

Before I can even think about sitting down to write, my house has to be tidy.  Which would normally be completed before I even leave the house in the morning to walk Emma; she likes to have a good run before work, she also informs me, a brisk walk in the morning helps with my brain function.  It’s hard to argue with that thought process and logic isn’t it!  Hee hee.

When once we are back home, the kettle is switched on, armchairs pillows are fluffed and pumped and laptop is switched on.  Then finally, I’ll sit down with a big cup of tea and large glass of water to my right, and with my note pad and phone to my left . . . I’m now ready to begin.

Emma in the mean time, would have settled down either in her bed beside my armchair or in the armchair near me.  Although she does like to swap and change her sleeping position from bed, chair  to sofa from time to time, I think it’s so one piece of furniture feels left out!   

2. When you are in the house alone and no-one is watching . . . what is the one naughty treat, you would reach for?

I’m highly allergic to dairy as your know, so over the years my sweet tooth has demanded, that I play around with sweet food ideas. 

This is my ultimate sweet food-craving treat.  I’ve only met one other people who even like’s the idea, but she still has yet to try it!

Small meringue nests
Lemon curd
And cake sprinkles (just to make it look pretty.)    

3. Where is your favourite place to read?

Snugged up in my bed, or if it’s quite downstairs and one of the armchairs is in the sun, I’d happily sit there for hours too.

4. Tell me one funny little trait you have, no matter how small or silly you feel it is?

I don’t have OCD because I just too lazy for that, but I do like things to look just right around my house.  You would never see my house messy, EVER . . . if you did, you’d never leave again or I’d just have to kill you!  *Wink* lol 

5. What were you, before you became an author, and do you still do that too?

Before I became an author, I was recovering from my accident, as some of you may know already.  I’m first and foremost a mother and homemaker, although I do also have an FdA with distinctions in Interior Design.  

6. What interesting or unusual hobbies do you have or like? 

In my down time when I’m not writing or reading, I would be making things with my hands.  I enjoy creating things. 

When I’m sitting watching a film say . . . I can’t just sit there.  (I have this inability to just sit and do nothing!)  So, I would either be doing needlework; Cross stitch is my chosen needlework.  Or I would be sketching in a pad; Birds and animals are my favourite to draw.   

7. What would be your favourite meal?

It would have to be Sheppard’s pie made with chicken mince, although a full roast chicken dinner would be a very close winner too. 

Gosh I’m hungry now at just the though of them! Yum.  

8. We all have our own party piece of music, whether it’s only sang at home or when out partying . . . what is yours?

I love to sing and often receive nice comments too, which always great for the ego.  My party piece would be Dame Shirley Bassey - Big Spender . . . If you are going to sing, then sing loud and proud is my motto!  I also just love the words and of course she is just fab too.

9. What music do you have on, in the car?

For a long time the only CD you would find in my car was the ABBA hits from the movie, and yes I would sing along with it every time.  Although I’ve noticed my son, must have taken it inside, since it’s now in the kitchen!  Lol  So, these days I’m stuck with my local radio station.  Hmmmm . . . not as much fun in the morning, if you ask me.   

10. When you are working, what music do you like listening to?

It would all depend on my mood, although when I’m writing I don’t like any music or sounds going on around me.  So, if I was marketing say . . . and I was feeling quite, it would be Norah Jones, but if it’s still early and I needed a pick me up, Pink is my girl. 

Although if I were book cover designing, then I would reach for an audio book, to distract one side of my brain while the other does the design work.  That’s how I always worked, when I was creating my technique designing on computer or room designs, when I was working in Interior Design. 

11. And finally when you were younger, what did you imagine you’d be doing for a job when you grew up . . . truth please?

I remember having this very clear idea, that I wanted to a car mechanic right up until the age of 11, when I realised that maybe, just maybe, that wasn’t the career chose of your normal female.  Which was a shame really, because by that stage, I knew how to change the oil, spark plugs, along with many other tasks under the bonnet; that just shows you how long ago it was don’t it!  Lol   

Then after that, I completely switched into an entirely different direction.  I love medicine and science, and what really appealed was the idea of becoming a midwife.  To this day I still wish I’d become one, but once I became a mother myself, I just didn’t think I could cope with the emotion comment and stain a midwife would have to deal with, as the natural course of her job role, when good old mother nature decided to take a different turn, then expected.

Although deep down, I’d always dreamed of becoming an author, but just to scared to voice my day dreams aloud.  Life changing accidents have a way of changing that for you.  I’m so glad I’ve finally taken that leap now.  Bar motherhood, becoming an author has been the most enjoyable and peaceful role, I could ever imagine.  

Getting to send all day with just my own thoughts, voices and daydreams, what more could I ask for . . . huh?       

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